This page is dedicated to the pursuit of answering "What if..." and generating big ideas to help enhance our communities. Every quarter, Area 15 Regional Planning will post a new "Big Idea" that could potentially be executed in our region. The ideas are purely exploratory and hypothetical. Posted ideas are intended to foster creativity and provoke the thought process of citizens and leaders within our communities. Questioning the status quo and thinking outside the box to address local issues is encouraged.
Anyone is welcome to submit a Big Idea. Some submittals will be from within the Area 15 office, while others may be from the community. All submittals will be reviewed by staff at the end of each month and will be posted on our website on the first Friday of every month.
Big Ideas should include author's name, location, and text describing the idea. Diagrams and pictures to illustrate your idea are encouraged. Please submit your ideas to Chayton True at
Topics may include:
Environmental Protection
Downtown Revitalization
Job Creation
Historic Preservation